KSEYE launches new low-rate Lite bridging range

Experienced bridging lender KSEYE has launched a new Lite product range covering residential, commercial and mixed-use bridging products.

This new product range is available for properties in London, the home counties, and other major UK cities, with Resi-Lite bridging loans starting from a headline rate of 0.74%.

Commercial-Lite bridging loans start at 1.05%, and Mixed Use-Lite bridging loans start at 0.95%.

This competitive new offering will offer brokers with a clear, fast solution for more straightforward bridging cases, providing clients with a competitive and reliable source of funding.

KSEYE has introduced this new product in response to the high volume of enquiries it has received so far in 2024, identifying a need for a more predictable bridging loan products, with competitive upfront pricing.

Nikes Khagram, Director and co-founder of KSEYE commented:

“The property market is starting to move quickly following the recent BoE base rate reduction, so the time is right now to launch a product that we’re very excited about. With this new range, will will provide brokers with a truly competitive and compelling product offering for their clients.

“Combined with our strong service levels, rapid response times and ability to deal with complex bridging quickly with our in-house legal team, we look forward to introducing the KSEYE experience to brokers of all sizes in support of their clients’ property investments.”



KSEYE is a specialist property finance provider offering bridging finance, having completed over 900 loans totalling over £800m to date. Contact [email protected] to learn more about their product offerings.